Peer interactions are very important now than ever before. Creating age appropriate connections as children develop is important to help build their sense of self. These past two years I have seen the need in children to learn how to self-regulate, negotiate and learn how to build healthy relationships and friendships with other children. Because of this need, I will be catering groups by age to help support social skills within their peers.
Tuition: $200 All supplies included and provided at the Studio
Small personalized groups (8 students) a minimum of 6 students is required to start a group.
DRAWING - Pencil, Color Pencils, Ink, Chalk Pastels and Oil Pastels PAINTING - Acrylics, Watercolors, Natural Dyes SCULPTURE - Air Dry Clay, Modeling Clay, Wire, Found Objects, Cardboard EXPERIMENTATION - Outdoor Paint and Body Paint (Hands on! We will be getting messy everyday)